Are You On Track To Achieve Your Sustainability Goals This Year?


The requirement to aggressively chase carbon reduction and sustainability goals has never been so strong. However, the resource base that companies have to tackle this both financially and in skilled personnel has not increased and in most cases has actually become even more scarce. On top of this, often the compelling WHY for necessary change […]

Talk More, Act Less

It’s time to talk. The topic of the climate change is one that certainly gets lots of attention, but is it being talked about enough where it counts? The challenge we face is an age-old one, human beings don’t like change! Even if the reason is understood and the urgency felt it still fails to […]

Adapt Or Innovate?

Adapt or innovate

Just adapting our current way of doing things isn’t going to get us there. When it comes to the challenge of becoming more sustainable and meeting the ever-increasing green targets necessary for meaningful change, it is going to take innovation not just adaptation. What do I mean? Think about the simplicity of the VW Beetle for […]

Overcoming hurdles requires approaching them differently

Overcoming hurdles requires approaching them differently

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” – Henry Ford. Let’s not mince our words. The  ‘sustainability challenge’ that faces all of us, especially those of us in business, is immense.  How do you produce the same, or more, with less waste and less environmental impact, without […]

People Dependent Return On Investment (ROI)

People dependent return on investment

One of the first things discussed when anyone looks at a new project or purchases a new piece of tech is ‘What will the ROI (Return on Investment) be? We look at the direct cost of the hardware, engineering costs, disruption to production, cost of borrowing, etc. However, little consideration is given to the way […]